Luni, 24 Martie 2025

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    Produsul este realizat manual si se executa pe baza de comanda personalizata.
  TRIANGLE este o boxa pe patru cai.
   Pentru buna readare a sunetului, constructiv, ea a fost conceputa sa se sprijine pe o prisma triunghiulara de inox si un tub de sticla terminat intr-un spike.
   Aceste doua elemente confera certitudinea ca in acest fel boxa nu intra in vibratie cu podeaua dand auditorului senzatia unui sunet precum cel oferit de auditia la casti.
  Materiale folosite:
- MDF vopsit negru/rosu pian
- vopsea pe baza de apa

  Lacul si adezivii sunt nontoxici avand apa ca diluant de baza.

Frequency response:         35 - 37.000 Hz
Power rating :                  300 w
Impedance:                         8 ohms
SPL:                                  93 dB
Cross-over slope:              24 dB/octave
Dimensions (h x d x w):   223 x 72,8 x 72 cm
Weight :                           192 kg

   The product is hand-made and is custom-made.
   TRIANGLE is a four-way loudspeaker.
   For good sound readability, constructively, it was designed to rest on a triangular stainless steel prism and a finished glass tube in a spike.
    These two elements make sure the loudspeaker does not vibrate with the floor, giving to the auditor the feeling of a sound like the one offered by the headphones audition.
   Used materials:
- MDF painted black/red piano
- water based paint

   Lake and adhesives are nontoxic with water as a basic diluent.

Un produs Blogger.