Satelit BS 101
Produsul este realizat manual si se executa pe baza de comanda personalizata oferindu-se personalizarea culorii si a furnirului.
BS 101 este o boxa de banda larga de frecventa recomandata sistemelor audio destinate auditiei sunetului redat de PC-uri.
Partea frontala a boxei este fabricata din lemn de tei masiv.
Materiale folosite:
- MDF furniruit
- furnir stejar
- tei masiv
Partea frontala a boxei este fabricata din lemn de tei masiv.
Lacul si adezivii sunt nontoxici avand apa ca diluant de baza.
Frequency response: 40 - 19.000 Hz
Power rating : 20 w
Impedance: 8 ohms
SPL: 80 dB
Dimensions (h x d x w): 19 x 15 x 16 cm
Weight : 1,60 kg

The product is hand-made and is custom-made based on customizing the color and veneer.
The BS 101 is a speaker of a wide bandwidth recommended for audio systems designed for auditing on PCs.
The front of the box is made of solid lime wood.
Used materials:
- MDF veneered
- oak veneer
- massive lime wood
The front of the loudspeaker is made of solid lime wood.
Lake and adhesives are nontoxic with water as a basic diluent.